The Ride Of Your Life
Life is like a rollercoaster. We have ups and downs. Turns and twists. We enjoy the moments of excitement. We relish the exhilaration. We agonize over the climbs. We fear the sudden drop. What if we could capture just the highlights and get rid of all the downfalls?
We have a choice. A choice of certainty. Or so we think. Would you really want a life that was so predictable you would never go up or down? You would never go fast or slow down? You would never be turned upside down? The rollercoaster would look something like this:

The other choice is we can chose life and living. It’s scary and exciting. It’s a full range of emotions. Don’t like one of them? Just wait and it will change around the next bend on the track.

Just like in the movie The Giver, we have a choice to live in black and white or to see color. It’s messy, scary and in no way certain. It’s called living.